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Source code for bulbs.neo4jserver.batch

from .client import Neo4jRequest, Neo4jClient

# Batch isn't fully baked yet

[docs]class Neo4jBatchRequest(Neo4jRequest): """Makes HTTP requests to Neo4j Server and returns a Neo4jResponse.""" def _initialize(self): self.messages = [] self.message_id = 0
[docs] def request(self, method, path, params): """ Adds request to the messages list and returns a placeholder. :param method: HTTP method: GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE. :type method: str :param path: Path to the server resource, relative to the root URI. :type path: str :param params: Optional URI parameters for the resource. :type params: dict :rtype: str """ return self.add_message(method, path, params) # return self # would allow you to do, params).send() # that won't work unless you always want to go throught the batch interface
def add_message(self, method, path, params): message_id = self.next_id() message = dict(method=method, to=path, body=params, id=message_id) self.messages.append(message) return self.placeholder(message_id) def next_id(self): self.message_id = self.message_id + 1 return self.message_id def placeholder(self, message_id): return "{%d}" % message_id
[docs] def send(self): """ Convenience method that sends request messages to the client. :param message: Tuple containing: (HTTP method, path, params) :type path: tuple :param params: Optional URI params for the resource. :type params: dict :rtype: Response """ path = "batch" params = self.messages return, path, params)
def get_messages(self): return self.messages def clear(self): self._initialize()
[docs]class Neo4jBatchClient(Neo4jClient): request_class = Neo4jBatchRequest # Batch isn't fully baked yet # Batch try (old -- from Neo4jClient)... #def create_indexed_vertex(self,data,index_name,keys=None): # """Creates a vertex, indexes it, and returns the Response.""" # batch = Neo4jBatch(self.client) # placeholder = batch.add(self.message.create_vertex(data)) # for key in keys: # value = data.get(key) # if value is None: continue # batch.add(self.message.put_vertex(index_name,key,value,placeholder)) # resp = batch.send() # #for result in resp.results: def send(self): return self.request.send() def get_messages(self): return self.request.get_messages() def clear(self): self.request.clear()