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Source code for bulbs.neo4jserver.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#James Thornton (
# BSD License (see LICENSE for details)
Bulbs supports pluggable backends. This is the Neo4j Server client.

import re

from bulbs.config import Config, DEBUG
from bulbs.registry import Registry
from bulbs.utils import get_logger

# specific to this client
from bulbs.json import JSONTypeSystem
from bulbs.base import Client, Response, Result
from import Request, RESPONSE_HANDLERS, server_error
from bulbs.utils import json, build_path, get_file_path, urlsplit
from bulbs.groovy import GroovyScripts

# TODO: Clean up and generalize Yaml
from .cypher import Cypher, Yaml

# The default URI
NEO4J_URI = "http://localhost:7474/db/data/"

# The logger defined in Config
log = get_logger(__name__)

# Neo4j Server resource paths
# TODO: local path vars would be faster
vertex_path = "node"
edge_path = "relationship"
index_path = "index"
gremlin_path = "ext/GremlinPlugin/graphdb/execute_script"
cypher_path = "ext/CypherPlugin/graphdb/execute_query"

[docs]class Neo4jResult(Result): """ Container class for a single result, not a list of results. :param result: The raw result. :type result: dict :param config: The graph Config object. :type config: Config :ivar raw: The raw result. :ivar data: The data in the result. """ def __init__(self, result, config): self.config = config # The raw result. self.raw = result # The data in the result. = self._get_data(result) self.type_map = dict(node="vertex",relationship="edge")
[docs] def get_id(self): """ Returns the element ID. :rtype: int """ uri = self.raw.get('self') return self._parse_id(uri)
[docs] def get_type(self): """ Returns the element's base type, either "vertex" or "edge". :rtype: str """ uri = self.get_uri() neo4j_type = self._parse_type(uri) return self.type_map[neo4j_type]
[docs] def get_data(self): """ Returns the element's property map. :rtype: dict """ return
[docs] def get_uri(self): """ Returns the element URI. :rtype: str """ return self.raw.get('self')
[docs] def get_outV(self): """ Returns the ID of the edge's outgoing vertex (start node). :rtype: int """ uri = self.raw.get('start') return self._parse_id(uri)
[docs] def get_inV(self): """ Returns the ID of the edge's incoming vertex (end node). :rtype: int """ uri = self.raw.get('end') return self._parse_id(uri)
[docs] def get_label(self): """ Returns the edge label (relationship type). :rtype: str """ return self.raw.get('type')
[docs] def get_index_name(self): """ Returns the index name. :rtype: str """ return self.raw.get('name')
[docs] def get_index_class(self): """ Returns the index class, either "vertex" or "edge". :rtype: str """ uri = self.raw.get('template') neo4j_type = self._parse_index_type(uri) return self.type_map[neo4j_type]
[docs] def get(self, attribute): """ Returns the value of a client-specific attribute. :param attribute: Name of the attribute. :type attribute: str :rtype: str """ return self.raw[attribute]
def _get_data(self, result): if type(result) is dict: return result.get('data') def _parse_id(self, uri): """Parses the ID out of a URI.""" if uri: _id = int(uri.rpartition('/')[-1]) return _id def _parse_type(self, uri): """Parses the type ouf of a normal URI.""" if uri: root_uri = uri.rpartition('/')[0] neo4j_type = root_uri.rpartition('/')[-1] return neo4j_type def _parse_index_type(self, uri): """Parses the type out of an index URI.""" if uri: path = urlsplit(uri).path segments = path.split("/") neo4j_type = segments[-4] return neo4j_type
[docs]class Neo4jResponse(Response): """ Container class for the server response. :param response: httplib2 response: (headers, content). :type response: tuple :param config: Config object. :type config: bulbs.config.Config :ivar config: Config object. :ivar headers: httplib2 response headers, see: :ivar content: A dict containing the HTTP response content. :ivar results: A generator of Neo4jResult objects, a single Neo4jResult object, or None, depending on the number of results returned. :ivar total_size: The number of results returned. :ivar raw: Raw HTTP response. Only set when log_level is DEBUG. """ result_class = Neo4jResult def __init__(self, response, config): self.config = config self.handle_response(response) self.headers = self.get_headers(response) self.content = self.get_content(response) self.results, self.total_size = self.get_results() self.raw = self._maybe_get_raw(response, config) def _maybe_get_raw(self,response, config): """Returns the raw response if in DEBUG mode.""" # don't store raw response in production else you'll bloat the obj if config.log_level == DEBUG: return response
[docs] def handle_response(self, response): """ Check the server response and raise exception if needed. :param response: httplib2 response: (headers, content). :type response: tuple :rtype: None """ headers, content = response # Temporary hack to catch Gremlin Plugin exceptions that return 200 status # See # Example: '"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown property type on..."' if"^\"java.(.*).Exception:", content): # raise error... server_error(response) response_handler = RESPONSE_HANDLERS.get(headers.status) response_handler(response)
[docs] def get_headers(self, response): """ Returns a dict containing the headers from the response. :param response: httplib2 response: (headers, content). :type response: tuple :rtype: httplib2.Response """ # response is a tuple containing (headers, content) # headers is an httplib2 Response object, content is a string # see headers, content = response return headers
[docs] def get_content(self, response): """ Returns a dict containing the content from the response. :param response: httplib2 response: (headers, content). :type response: tuple :rtype: dict or None """ # content is a JSON string headers, content = response # Neo4jServer returns empty content on update if content: content = json.loads(content.decode('utf-8')) return content
[docs] def get_results(self): """ Returns the results contained in the response. :return: A tuple containing two items: 1. Either a generator of Neo4jResult objects, a single Neo4jResult object, or None, depending on the number of results returned; 2. An int representing the number results returned. :rtype: tuple """ if type(self.content) == list: results = (self.result_class(result, self.config) for result in self.content) total_size = len(self.content) elif self.content and self.content != "null": # Checking for self.content.get('data') won't work b/c the data value # isn't returned for edges with no properties; # and self.content != "null": Yep, the null thing is sort of a hack. # Neo4j returns "null" if Gremlin scripts don't return anything. results = self.result_class(self.content, self.config) total_size = 1 else: results = None total_size = 0 return results, total_size
def _set_index_name(self, index_name): """Sets the index name to the raw result.""" # this is pretty much a hack becuase neo4j doesn't include the index name in response self.results.raw['name'] = index_name
[docs]class Neo4jRequest(Request): """Makes HTTP requests to Neo4j Server and returns a Neo4jResponse.""" response_class = Neo4jResponse
[docs]class Neo4jClient(Client): """ Low-level client that sends a request to Neo4j Server and returns a response. :param config: Optional Config object. Defaults to default Config. :type config: bulbs.config.Config :ivar config: Config object. :ivar registry: Registry object. :ivar scripts: GroovyScripts object. :ivar type_system: JSONTypeSystem object. :ivar request: Neo4jRequest object. Example: >>> from bulbs.neo4jserver import Neo4jClient >>> client = Neo4jClient() >>> response = client.get_all_vertices() >>> result = """ #: Default URI for the database. default_uri = NEO4J_URI #: Request class for the Client. request_class = Neo4jRequest def __init__(self, config=None): self.config = config or Config(self.default_uri) self.registry = Registry(self.config) self.type_system = JSONTypeSystem() self.request = self.request_class(self.config, self.type_system.content_type) # Neo4j supports Gremlin so include the Gremlin-Groovy script library self.scripts = GroovyScripts(self.config) # Also include the Neo4j Server-specific Gremlin-Groovy scripts scripts_file = get_file_path(__file__, "gremlin.groovy") self.scripts.update(scripts_file) # Add it to the registry. This allows you to have more than one scripts namespace. self.registry.add_scripts("gremlin", self.scripts) # Gremlin
[docs] def gremlin(self, script, params=None): """ Executes a Gremlin script and returns the Response. :param script: Gremlin script to execute. :type script: str :param params: Param bindings for the script. :type params: dict :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = gremlin_path params = dict(script=script, params=params) return, params) # Cypher
[docs] def cypher(self, query, params=None): """ Executes a Cypher query and returns the Response. :param query: Cypher query to execute. :type query: str :param params: Param bindings for the query. :type params: dict :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = cypher_path params = dict(query=query,params=params) resp =, params) # Cypher data hack resp.total_size = len( resp.results = (Neo4jResult(result[0], self.config) for result in return resp # Vertex Proxy
[docs] def create_vertex(self, data): """ Creates a vertex and returns the Response. :param data: Property data. :type data: dict :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ if self.config.autoindex is True: index_name = self.config.vertex_index return self.create_indexed_vertex(data, index_name, keys=None) path = vertex_path params = self._remove_null_values(data) return, params)
[docs] def get_vertex(self, _id): """ Gets the vertex with the _id and returns the Response. :param data: Vertex ID. :type data: int :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = build_path(vertex_path, _id) params = None return self.request.get(path, params)
[docs] def get_all_vertices(self): """ Returns a Response containing all the vertices in the Graph. :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ script = self.scripts.get("get_vertices") params = None return self.gremlin(script, params)
[docs] def update_vertex(self, _id, data): """ Updates the vertex with the _id and returns the Response. :param _id: Vertex ID. :type _id: dict :param data: Property data. :type data: dict :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ if self.config.autoindex is True: index_name = self.config.vertex_index return self.update_indexed_vertex(_id,data,index_name,keys=None) path = self._build_vertex_path(_id,"properties") params = self._remove_null_values(data) return self.request.put(path, params)
[docs] def delete_vertex(self, _id): """ Deletes a vertex with the _id and returns the Response. :param _id: Vertex ID. :type _id: dict :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ script = self.scripts.get("delete_vertex") params = dict(_id=_id) return self.gremlin(script,params) # Edge Proxy
[docs] def create_edge(self, outV, label, inV, data=None): """ Creates a edge and returns the Response. :param outV: Outgoing vertex ID. :type outV: int :param label: Edge label. :type label: str :param inV: Incoming vertex ID. :type inV: int :param data: Property data. :type data: dict or None :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ if self.config.autoindex is True: index_name = self.config.edge_index return self.create_indexed_edge(outV,label,inV,data,index_name,keys=None) data = self._remove_null_values(data) inV_uri = self._build_vertex_uri(inV) path = build_path(vertex_path, outV, "relationships") params = {'to':inV_uri, 'type':label, 'data':data} return, params)
[docs] def get_edge(self, _id): """ Gets the edge with the _id and returns the Response. :param data: Edge ID. :type data: int :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = build_path(edge_path,_id) params = None return self.request.get(path, params)
[docs] def get_all_edges(self): """ Returns a Response containing all the edges in the Graph. :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ script = self.scripts.get("get_edges") params = None return self.gremlin(script, params)
[docs] def update_edge(self, _id, data): """ Updates the edge with the _id and returns the Response. :param _id: Edge ID. :type _id: dict :param data: Property data. :type data: dict :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ if self.config.autoindex is True: index_name = self.config.edge_index return self.update_indexed_edge(_id,data,index_name,keys=None) path = build_path(edge_path,_id,"properties") params = self._remove_null_values(data) return self.request.put(path, params)
[docs] def delete_edge(self, _id): """ Deletes a edge with the _id and returns the Response. :param _id: Edge ID. :type _id: dict :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = build_path(edge_path,_id) params = None return self.request.delete(path, params) # Vertex Container
[docs] def outE(self, _id, label=None, start=None, limit=None): """ Returns the outgoing edges of the vertex. :param _id: Vertex ID. :type _id: dict :param label: Optional edge label. Defaults to None. :type label: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ script = self.scripts.get('outE') params = dict(_id=_id,label=label,start=start,limit=limit) return self.gremlin(script,params)
[docs] def inE(self, _id, label=None, start=None, limit=None): """ Returns the incoming edges of the vertex. :param _id: Vertex ID. :type _id: dict :param label: Optional edge label. Defaults to None. :type label: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ script = self.scripts.get('inE') params = dict(_id=_id,label=label,start=start,limit=limit) return self.gremlin(script,params)
[docs] def bothE(self, _id, label=None, start=None, limit=None): """ Returns the incoming and outgoing edges of the vertex. :param _id: Vertex ID. :type _id: dict :param label: Optional edge label. Defaults to None. :type label: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ script = self.scripts.get('bothE') params = dict(_id=_id,label=label,start=start,limit=limit) return self.gremlin(script,params)
[docs] def outV(self, _id, label=None, start=None, limit=None): """ Returns the out-adjacent vertices of the vertex. :param _id: Vertex ID. :type _id: dict :param label: Optional edge label. Defaults to None. :type label: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ script = self.scripts.get('outV') params = dict(_id=_id,label=label,start=start,limit=limit) return self.gremlin(script,params)
[docs] def inV(self, _id, label=None, start=None, limit=None): """ Returns the in-adjacent vertices of the vertex. :param _id: Vertex ID. :type _id: dict :param label: Optional edge label. Defaults to None. :type label: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ script = self.scripts.get('inV') params = dict(_id=_id,label=label,start=start,limit=limit) return self.gremlin(script,params)
[docs] def bothV(self, _id, label=None, start=None, limit=None): """ Returns the incoming- and outgoing-adjacent vertices of the vertex. :param _id: Vertex ID. :type _id: dict :param label: Optional edge label. Defaults to None. :type label: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ script = self.scripts.get('bothV') params = dict(_id=_id,label=label,start=start,limit=limit) return self.gremlin(script,params) #: Index Proxy - Vertex
[docs] def create_vertex_index(self, index_name, *args, **kwds): """ Creates a vertex index with the specified params. :param index_name: Name of the index to create. :type index_name: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ default_config = {'type': "exact", 'provider': "lucene"} index_config = kwds.pop("index_config", default_config) path = build_path(index_path, vertex_path) params = dict(name=index_name, config=index_config) resp =, params) resp._set_index_name(index_name) return resp
[docs] def get_vertex_indices(self): """ Returns all the vertex indices. :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = build_path(index_path,vertex_path) params = None return self.request.get(path, params)
[docs] def get_vertex_index(self, index_name): """ Returns the vertex index with the index_name. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ resp = self.get_vertex_indices() resp.results = self._get_index_results(index_name,resp) if resp.results: resp._set_index_name(index_name) return resp
[docs] def get_or_create_vertex_index(self, index_name, *args, **kwds): """ Get a Vertex Index or create it if it doesn't exist. :param index_name: Index name. :type index_name: str :param index_config: Index configuration. :type index_config: dict :rtype: bulbs.neo4jserver.index.Index """ # Neo4j's create index endpoint returns the index if it already exists return self.create_vertex_index(index_name, *args, **kwds)
[docs] def delete_vertex_index(self, index_name): """ Deletes the vertex index with the index_name. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = build_path(index_path, vertex_path, index_name) params = None return self.request.delete(path, params) # Index Proxy - Edge
[docs] def create_edge_index(self, index_name, *args, **kwds): """ Creates a edge index with the specified params. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ default_config = {'type': "exact", 'provider': "lucene"} index_config = kwds.pop("index_config", default_config) path = build_path(index_path, edge_path) params = dict(name=index_name, config=index_config) resp =, params) resp._set_index_name(index_name) return resp
[docs] def get_edge_indices(self): """ Returns a dict of all the vertex indices. :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = build_path(index_path,edge_path) params = None return self.request.get(path, params)
[docs] def get_edge_index(self, index_name): """ Returns the edge index with the index_name. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ resp = self.get_edge_indices() resp.results = self._get_index_results(index_name, resp) if resp.results: resp._set_index_name(index_name) return resp
[docs] def get_or_create_edge_index(self, index_name, *args, **kwds): """ Get a Edge Index or create it if it doesn't exist. :param index_name: Index name. :type index_name: str :param index_config: Index configuration. :type index_config: dict :rtype: bulbs.neo4jserver.index.Index """ # Neo4j's create index endpoint returns the index if it already exists return self.create_edge_index(index_name, *args, **kwds)
[docs] def delete_edge_index(self, index_name): """ Deletes the edge index with the index_name. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = build_path(index_path, edge_path, index_name) params = None return self.request.delete(path, params) # Index Container - Vertex
[docs] def put_vertex(self, index_name, key, value, _id): """ Adds a vertex to the index with the index_name. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param key: Name of the key. :type key: str :param value: Value of the key. :type value: str :param _id: Vertex ID :type _id: int :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ uri = "%s/%s/%d" % (self.config.root_uri, vertex_path, _id) path = build_path(index_path, vertex_path, index_name) params = dict(key=key, value=value, uri=uri) return, params)
[docs] def lookup_vertex(self, index_name, key, value): """ Returns the vertices indexed with the key and value. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param key: Name of the key. :type key: str :param value: Value of the key. :type value: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ # converting all values to strings because that's how they're stored path = build_path(index_path, vertex_path, index_name, key, value) params = None return self.request.get(path, params)
[docs] def query_vertex(self, index_name, query): """ Queries the index and returns the Response. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param query: Lucene query string :type query: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = build_path(index_path, vertex_path, index_name) params = dict(query=query) return self.request.get(path, params)
[docs] def remove_vertex(self, index_name, _id, key=None, value=None): """ Removes a vertex from the index and returns the Response. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param key: Optional. Name of the key. :type key: str :param value: Optional. Value of the key. :type value: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = build_path(index_path, vertex_path, index_name ,key, value, _id) params = None return self.request.delete(path, params) # Index Container - Edge
[docs] def put_edge(self, index_name, key, value, _id): """ Adds an edge to the index and returns the Response. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param key: Name of the key. :type key: str :param value: Value of the key. :type value: str :param _id: Edge ID :type _id: int :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ uri = "%s/%s/%d" % (self.config.root_uri,edge_path,_id) path = build_path(index_path, edge_path, index_name) params = dict(key=key,value=value,uri=uri) return, params)
[docs] def lookup_edge(self, index_name, key, value): """ Looks up an edge in the index and returns the Response. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param key: Name of the key. :type key: str :param value: Value of the key. :type value: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ # converting all values to strings because that's how they're stored path = build_path(index_path, edge_path, index_name, key, value) params = None return self.request.get(path, params)
[docs] def query_edge(self, index_name, query): """ Queries the index and returns the Response. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param query: Lucene query string :type query: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = build_path(index_path, edge_path, index_name) params = dict(query=query) return self.request.get(path, params)
[docs] def remove_edge(self, index_name, _id, key=None, value=None): """ Removes an edge from the index and returns the Response. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param _id: Edge ID :type _id: int :param key: Optional. Name of the key. :type key: str :param value: Optional. Value of the key. :type value: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ path = build_path(index_path, edge_path, index_name, key, value, _id) params = None return self.request.delete(path, params) # Model Proxy - Vertex
[docs] def create_indexed_vertex(self, data, index_name, keys=None): """ Creates a vertex, indexes it, and returns the Response. :param data: Property data. :type data: dict :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param keys: Property keys to index. :type keys: list :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ data = self._remove_null_values(data) params = dict(data=data,index_name=index_name,keys=keys) script = self.scripts.get("create_indexed_vertex") return self.gremlin(script,params)
[docs] def update_indexed_vertex(self, _id, data, index_name, keys=None): """ Updates an indexed vertex and returns the Response. :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param data: Property data. :type data: dict :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param keys: Property keys to index. :type keys: list :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ data = self._remove_null_values(data) params = dict(_id=_id,data=data,index_name=index_name,keys=keys) script = self.scripts.get("update_indexed_vertex") return self.gremlin(script,params) # Model Proxy - Edge
[docs] def create_indexed_edge(self, outV, label, inV, data, index_name, keys=None): """ Creates a edge, indexes it, and returns the Response. :param outV: Outgoing vertex ID. :type outV: int :param label: Edge label. :type label: str :param inV: Incoming vertex ID. :type inV: int :param data: Property data. :type data: dict :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param keys: Property keys to index. Defaults to None (indexes all properties). :type keys: list :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ data = self._remove_null_values(data) edge_params = dict(outV=outV,label=label,inV=inV,label_var=self.config.label_var) params = dict(data=data,index_name=index_name,keys=keys) params.update(edge_params) script = self.scripts.get("create_indexed_edge") return self.gremlin(script,params)
[docs] def update_indexed_edge(self, _id, data, index_name, keys=None): """ Updates an indexed edge and returns the Response. :param _id: Edge ID. :type _id: int :param data: Property data. :type data: dict :param index_name: Name of the index. :type index_name: str :param keys: Property keys to index. Defaults to None (indexes all properties). :type keys: list :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ data = self._remove_null_values(data) params = dict(_id=_id,data=data,index_name=index_name,keys=keys) script = self.scripts.get("update_indexed_edge") return self.gremlin(script,params) # Metadata
[docs] def set_metadata(self, key, value): """ Sets the metadata key to the supplied value. :param key: Metadata key :type key: str :param value: Metadata value. :type value: str, int, or list :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ script = self.scripts.get("set_metadata") params = dict(key=key, value=value) return self.gremlin(script, params)
[docs] def get_metadata(self, key, default_value=None): """ Returns the value of metadata for the key. :param key: Metadata key :type key: str :param default_value: Default value to return if the key is not found. :type default_value: str, int, or list :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ script = self.scripts.get("get_metadata") params = dict(key=key, default_value=default_value) return self.gremlin(script, params)
[docs] def remove_metadata(self, key): """ Removes the metadata key and value. :param key: Metadata key :type key: str :rtype: Neo4jResponse """ script = self.scripts.get("remove_metadata") params = dict(key=key) return self.gremlin(script, params) # Private
def _remove_null_values(self,data): """Removes null property values because they aren't valid in Neo4j.""" # Neo4j Server uses PUTs to overwrite all properties so no need # to worry about deleting props that are being set to null. data = data or {} clean_data = [(k, data[k]) for k in data if data[k] is not None] # Python 3 return dict(clean_data) def _get_index_results(self, index_name, resp): """ Returns the index from a dict of indicies. """ if resp.content and index_name in resp.content: result = resp.content[index_name] return Neo4jResult(result, self.config) # Batch related def _placeholder(self,_id): pattern = "^{.*}$" match =,str(_id)) if match: placeholder = return placeholder def _build_vertex_path(self,_id,*args): # if the _id is a placeholder, return the placeholder; # othewise, return a normal vertex path placeholder = self._placeholder(_id) if placeholder: segments = [placeholder] else: segments = [vertex_path,_id] segments = segments + list(args) return build_path(*segments) def _build_vertex_uri(self,_id,*args): placeholder = self._placeholder(_id) if placeholder: return placeholder root_uri = self.config.root_uri.rstrip("/") segments = [vertex_path, _id] + list(args) path = build_path(*segments) uri = "%s/%s" % (root_uri, path) return uri def _build_edge_path(self,_id): # if the _id is a placeholder, return the placeholder; # othewise, return a normal edge path return self._placeholder(_id) or build_path(edge_path,_id) def _build_edge_uri(self,_id): pass