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Source code for bulbs.rexster.index

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#James Thornton (
# BSD License (see LICENSE for details)
An interface for interacting with indices on Rexster.

from bulbs.utils import initialize_element, initialize_elements, get_one_result

class IndexProxy(object):
    """Abstract base class the index proxies."""

    def __init__(self, index_class, client):
        # The index class for this proxy, e.g. ManualIndex.
        self.index_class = index_class

        # The Client object for the database.
        self.client = client

[docs]class VertexIndexProxy(IndexProxy): """ Manage vertex indices on Rexster. :param index_class: The index class for this proxy, e.g. ManualIndex. :type index_class: Index :param client: The Client object for the database. :type client: bulbs.rexster.client.RexsterClient :ivar index_class: Index class. :ivar client: RexsterClient object. """
[docs] def create(self, index_name): """ Creates an Vertex index and returns it. :param index_name: Index name. :type index_name: str :rtype: bulbs.rexster.index.Index """ resp = self.client.create_vertex_index(index_name) index = self.index_class(self.client,resp.results) self.client.registry.add_index(index_name, index) return index
[docs] def get(self, index_name): """ Returns the Index object with the specified name or None if not found. :param index_name: Index name. :type index_name: str :rtype: bulbs.rexster.index.Index """ resp = self.client.get_vertex_index(index_name) if resp.results: index = self.index_class(self.client,resp.results) self.client.registry.add_index(index_name, index) return index
[docs] def get_or_create(self, index_name, index_params=None): """ Get a Vertex Index or create it if it doesn't exist. :param index_name: Index name. :type index_name: str :rtype: bulbs.rexster.index.Index """ resp = self.client.get_or_create_vertex_index(index_name, index_params) index = self.index_class(self.client,resp.results) self.client.registry.add_index(index_name, index) return index
[docs] def delete(self, index_name): """ Deletes an index and returns the Response. :param index_name: Index name. :type index_name: str :rtype: bulbs.rexster.client.RexsterResponse """ try: return self.client.delete_vertex_index(index_name) except LookupError: return None
[docs]class EdgeIndexProxy(IndexProxy): """ Manage edge indices on Rexster. :param index_class: The index class for this proxy, e.g. ManualIndex. :type index_class: Index :param client: The Client object for the database. :type client: bulbs.rexster.client.RexsterClient :ivar index_class: Index class. :ivar client: RexsterClient object. """
[docs] def create(self,index_name,*args,**kwds): """ Adds an index to the database and returns it. index_keys must be a string in this format: '[k1,k2]' Don't pass actual list b/c keys get double quoted. :param index_name: The name of the index to create. :param index_class: The class of the elements stored in the index. Either vertex or edge. """ resp = self.client.create_edge_index(index_name,*args,**kwds) index = self.index_class(self.client,resp.results) self.client.registry.add_index(index_name,index) return index
[docs] def get(self,index_name): """ Returns the Index object with the specified name or None if not found. :param index_name: Index name. :type index_name: str :rtype: bulbs.rexster.index.Index """ resp = self.client.get_edge_index(index_name) if resp.results: index = self.index_class(self.client,resp.results) self.client.registry.add_index(index_name,index) return index
[docs] def get_or_create(self, index_name, index_params=None): """ Get an Edge Index or create it if it doesn't exist. :param index_name: Index name. :type index_name: str :rtype: bulbs.rexster.index.Index """ resp = self.client.get_or_create_edge_index(index_name, index_params) index = self.index_class(self.client,resp.results) self.client.registry.add_index(index_name, index) return index
[docs] def delete(self,index_name): """ Deletes an index and returns the Response. :param index_name: Index name. :type index_name: str :rtype: bulbs.rexster.client.RexsterResponse """ try: return self.client.delete_edge_index(index_name) except LookupError: return None # # Index Containers (Manual, Automatic) #
class Index(object):
    """Abstract base class for an index."""

    def __init__(self, client, result):
        self.client = client
        self.result = result

    def get_proxy_class(cls, base_type):
        Returns the IndexProxy class.

        :param base_type: Index base type, either vertex or edge.
        :type base_type: str

        :rtype: class

        class_map = dict(vertex=VertexIndexProxy, edge=EdgeIndexProxy)
        return class_map[base_type]

    def index_name(self):
        Returns the index name.

        :rtype: str


    def index_class(self):
        Returns the index class, either vertex or edge.

        :rtype: class


    def index_type(self):
        Returns the index type, which will either be automatic or manual.

        :rtype: str


    def count(self,key=None,value=None,**pair):
        Return a count of all elements with 'key' equal to 'value' in the index.

        :param key: The index key. This is optional because you can instead 
                    supply a key/value pair such as name="James". 

        :param value: The index key's value. This is optional because you can 
                      instead supply a key/value pair such as name="James". 

        :param pair: Optional keyword param. Instead of supplying key=name 
                     and value = 'James', you can supply a key/value pair in
                     the form of name='James'.
        key, value = self._get_key_value(key,value,pair)
        resp = self.client.index_count(self.index_name,key,value)
        return resp.content['totalSize']

    def _get_key_value(self, key, value, pair):
        """Return the key and value, regardless of how it was entered."""
        if pair:
            key, value = pair.popitem()
        return key, value

    def _get_method(self, **method_map):
        method_name = method_map[self.index_class]
        method = getattr(self.client, method_name)
        return method

    def lookup(self, key=None, value=None, **pair):
        Return a generator containing all the elements with key property equal 
        to value in the index.

        :param key: The index key. This is optional because you can instead 
                    supply a key/value pair such as name="James". 

        :param value: The index key's value. This is optional because you can 
                      instead supply a key/value pair such as name="James". 

        :param raw: Optional keyword param. If set to True, it won't try to 
                    initialize the results. Defaults to False. 

        :param pair: Optional keyword param. Instead of supplying key=name 
                     and value = 'James', you can supply a key/value pair in
                     the form of name='James'.
        key, value = self._get_key_value(key, value, pair)
        resp = self.client.lookup_vertex(self.index_name,key,value)
        return initialize_elements(self.client,resp)

[docs]class ManualIndex(Index): """ Creates, retrieves, and deletes indices provided by the graph database. Use this class to get, put, and update items in an index. :param client: The Client object for the database. :param result: The result list returned by Rexster. :param classes: Zero or more subclasses of Element to use when initializing the the elements returned by the query. For example, if Person is a subclass of Node (which is defined in and is a subclass of Vertex), and the query returns person elements, pass in the Person class and the method will use the element_type defined in the class to initialize the returned items to a Person object. Example that creates an index for Web page URL stubs, adds an page element to it, and then retrieves it from the index:: >>> graph = Graph() >>> graph.indices.create("page","vertex","automatic","[stub]") >>> index = graph.indices.get("page") >>> index.put("stub",stub,page._id) >>> page = index.get("stub",stub) """
[docs] def put(self,_id,key=None,value=None,**pair): """ Put an element into the index at key/value and return Rexster's response. :param _id: The element ID. :param key: The index key. This is optional because you can instead supply a key/value pair such as name="James". :param value: The index key's value. This is optional because you can instead supply a key/value pair such as name="James". :param pair: Optional keyword param. Instead of supplying key=name and value = 'James', you can supply a key/value pair in the form of name='James'. """ # NOTE: if you ever change the _id arg to element, change remove() too key, value = self._get_key_value(key,value,pair) put = self._get_method(vertex="put_vertex", edge="put_edge") resp = put(self.index_name,key,value,_id) return resp
[docs] def update(self,_id,key=None,value=None,**pair): """ Update the element ID for the key and value and return Rexsters' response. :param _id: The element ID. :param key: The index key. This is optional because you can instead supply a key/value pair such as name="James". :param value: The index key's value. This is optional because you can instead supply a key/value pair such as name="James". :param pair: Optional keyword param. Instead of supplying key=name and value = 'James', you can supply a key/value pair in the form of name='James'. """ key, value = self._get_key_value(key,value,pair) for result in self.get(key,value): self.remove(self.index_name, result._id, key, value) return self.put(_id,key,value)
[docs] def put_unique(self,_id,key=None,value=None,**pair): """ Put an element into the index at key/value and overwrite it if an element already exists at that key and value; thus, there will be a max of 1 element returned for that key/value pair. Return Rexster's response. :param _id: The element ID. :param key: The index key. This is optional because you can instead supply a key/value pair such as name="James". :param value: The index key's value. This is optional because you can instead supply a key/value pair such as name="James". :param pair: Optional keyword param. Instead of supplying key=name and value = 'James', you can supply a key/value pair in the form of name='James'. """ return self.update(_id, key, value, **pair)
[docs] def get_unique(self,key=None,value=None,**pair): """ Returns a max of 1 elements matching the key/value pair in the index. :param key: The index key. This is optional because you can instead supply a key/value pair such as name="James". :param value: The index key's value. This is optional because you can instead supply a key/value pair such as name="James". :param pair: Optional keyword param. Instead of supplying key=name and value = 'James', you can supply a key/value pair in the form of name='James'. """ key, value = self._get_key_value(key,value,pair) resp = self.client.lookup_vertex(self.index_name,key,value) if resp.total_size > 0: result = get_one_result(resp) return initialize_element(self.client, result)
[docs] def remove(self,_id,key=None,value=None,**pair): """ Remove the element from the index located by key/value. :param _id: The element ID. :param key: The index key. This is optional because you can instead supply a key/value pair such as name="James". :param value: The index key's value. This is optional because you can instead supply a key/value pair such as name="James". :param pair: Optional keyword param. Instead of supplying key=name and value = 'James', you can supply a key/value pair in the form of name='James'. """ key, value = self._get_key_value(key, value, pair) remove = self._get_method(vertex="remove_vertex", edge="remove_edge") return remove(self.index_name,_id,key,value)
[docs]class AutomaticIndex(Index):
[docs] def keys(self): """Return the index's keys.""" resp = self.client.index_keys(self.index_name) return list(resp.results)
def rebuild(self): # need class_map b/c the Blueprints need capitalized class names, # but Rexster returns lower-case class names for index_class method_map = dict(vertex=self.client.rebuild_vertex_index, edge=self.client.rebuild_edge_index) rebuild_method = method_map.get(self.index_class) resp = rebuild_method(self.index_name) return list(resp.results)