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Source code for bulbs.base.graph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#James Thornton (
# BSD License (see LICENSE for details)
from bulbs.config import Config
from bulbs.factory import Factory
from bulbs.element import Vertex, Edge
from bulbs.model import Relationship
from bulbs.utils import initialize_elements

from bulbs.base.client import Client
from bulbs.base.index import Index

# A framework is an understanding of how things could fit together.
# When designing these things, it's important to remember that your 
# understanding is incomplete.

# Bulbs is written as a series of layers, designed from the bottom up.

[docs]class Graph(object): """ Abstract base class for the server-specific Graph implementations. :param config: Optional Config object. Defaults to the default config. :type config: Config :cvar client_class: Client class. :cvar default_index: Default index class. :ivar client: Client object. :ivar config: Config object. :ivar vertices: VertexProxy object. :ivar edges: EdgeProxy object. Example: >>> from bulbs.neo4jserver import Graph >>> g = Graph() >>> james = g.vertices.create(name="James") >>> julie = g.vertices.create(name="Julie") >>> g.edges.create(james, "knows", julie) """ # The Client class to use for this Graph. client_class = Client # The default Index class. default_index = Index def __init__(self, config=None): self.client = self.client_class(config) self.config = self.client.config self.factory = Factory(self.client) self.vertices = self.build_proxy(Vertex) self.edges = self.build_proxy(Edge) @property
[docs] def V(self): """ Returns a list of all the vertices in the graph. :rtype: list or None """ resp = self.client.get_all_vertices() if resp.total_size > 0: vertices = initialize_elements(self.client, resp) return list(vertices)
[docs] def E(self): """ Returns a list of all the edges in the graph. :rtype: list or None """ resp = self.client.get_all_edges() if resp.total_size > 0: edges = initialize_elements(self.client, resp) return list(edges)
[docs] def add_proxy(self, proxy_name, element_class, index_class=None): """ Adds an element proxy to the Graph object for the element class. :param proxy_name: Attribute name to use for the proxy. :type proxy_name: str :param element_class: Element class managed by this proxy. :type element_class: Element :param index_class: Index class for Element's primary index. Defaults to default_index. :type index_class: Index :rtype: None """ proxy = self.build_proxy(element_class, index_class) self.client.registry.add_proxy(proxy_name, proxy) setattr(self, proxy_name, proxy)
[docs] def build_proxy(self, element_class, index_class=None): """ Returns an element proxy built to specifications. :param element_class: Element class managed by this proxy. :type element_class: Element :param index_class: Optional Index class for Element's primary index. Defaults to default_index. :type index_class: Index :rtype: Element proxy """ if not index_class: index_class = self.default_index return self.factory.build_element_proxy(element_class, index_class)
[docs] def load_graphml(self, uri): """ Loads a GraphML file into the database and returns the response. :param uri: URI of the GraphML file. :type uri: str :rtype: Response """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_graphml(self): """ Returns a GraphML file representing the entire database. :rtype: Response """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def warm_cache(self): """ Warms the server cache by loading elements into memory. :rtype: Response """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def clear(self): """Deletes all the elements in the graph. :rtype: Response .. admonition:: WARNING This will delete all your data! """ raise NotImplementedError